Reference Desk

Thanks for stopping by our reference desk. below you'll find some quick tips on the structure of our site that will help you find the information your looking for.

Quick Tips:

1) Most of the pages on this site are fairly long. Due to nature of the content of this site we felt the best way to showcase each area was to use a longer scrolling page. This way you will not get lost clicking between pages of the same sections. You may also print off any section for your personal use or reference material. Please do not get discouraged scrolling within these documents. The information your looking for is most likely just under your browser.

2) Each area has a set of catagory links. These links are relative to only that area of the site that you are on. They will do one of the following:

A. They will link you to another topic specific to that area of the site.


B. They will link you to another area inside the same page.

3) These navigational links are placed in two places within each catagory. One set at the top of the page and another at the bottom. The second located directly under the bottom set of navigational links is another separate set of the main navigational links for the entire site.

4) Under pages titled Indiana Law, most links will be supplied by the Indiana General Assembly. Others will be anchored to additional information within the same document.

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please send us an e-mail

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