Indiana Death Row



DOB: 08-14-1960 DOC#: 13152 White Male

Lake County Superior Court
Judge James L. Clement

Prosecutor: Thomas W. Vanes

Defense: Herbert I. Shaps

Date of Murder: February 27, 1982

Victim(s): Debbie Hollis (wife) W/F/18; Kim Mezei (neighbor) W/F/18; Craig Mezei (neighbor's son) W/M/2

Method of Murder: Strangulation (Debbie, Kim, Craig); Stabbing with knife (Debbie)

Summary: Hollis went looking one night for his estranged wife, Debbie, and found her at an apartment in Hammond in the company of a neighbor, Kim Mezei, and her two year old son. Hollis repeatedly stabbed Debbie and Kim and strangled all three. The following day, Hollis went to the residence of an acquaintance, Donald K. White, in Griffith armed with a shotgun. When White told Hollis that the police suspected him of killing his wife, a neighbor, and a baby, Hollis replied that he did kill them, and he was sorry for killing the neighbor and child, but they just got in the way. Hollis then tied up White and his roommate, and forced White to perform oral sex.

Trial: Information/PC for Murder filed (03-01-82); Amended Information for DP filed (09-22-82); Insanity Defense filed (09-20-82); Guilty Plea (10-13-82); DP Trial (10-20-82, 10-21-82, 10-22-82, 10-28-82); Court Sentencing (11-12-82).

Conviction: Murder, Murder, Murder, CDC (A Felony), Confinement (B Felony); Pled guilty without plea agreement.

Sentencing: November 12, 1982 (Death Sentence, 30 years, 10 years)

Aggravating Circumstances: 3 murders

Mitigating Circumstances: None

Direct Appeal: None (committed suicide by hanging at Indiana State Prison, Michigan City on 02-19-84)

As of July 1, 2006

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